Facebook Prophecies

I recently read a Facebook post that went something like, “How can you guys believe in all these prophecies going out over social media. Do you really believe God could give a prophecy to everyone on Facebook at the same time? C’mon, people, get real.”

I understand this person’s skepticism, but my simple reply to their statement is two-fold:

1: Your God is too small. God can do anything He wants. Period. I think the parting of the Red Sea, Joshua’s stopping the Earth’s motion, and Jesus’ resurrection from the dead proves that.

2: Prophecies delivered via public venues are not, and have never been, for everyone who hears or reads them. Israel received some positive prophecies during Queen Jezebel’s reign, but they weren’t for Jezebel; she was eaten by dogs. Yuck – ‘nuff said.

You see, it was Jesus himself who said, “Let those who have ears to hear, hear what the Spirit is saying to the churches” (Rev. 3:22). So what Jesus was saying to the churches wasn’t for everyone who would ever pick up a Bible and peruse the Book of Revelation, it was for those who might have ears to hear.

Do you ever read prophecies on social media that seem to ring like a bell in your heart? When you read them, do you think, “Yeah baby, that’s for me!”? Then guess what, it is for you, because you have ears to hear what God is saying to you and all the others like you. You have ears to hear what the Spirit is saying to His church.



The Gossamer Web of Faith


Christmas Distilled