Christmas Miracles

Christmas is about the supernatural, about guiding stars, mystic prophesies, and virgin birth. At Christmastime we gaze beyond the limitations of our earthly existence to a Power that supersedes mere natural law. Yes, Christmas reminds us that nothing is impossible, that any dream can materialize, any wish can come true, and that the impossible becomes likely when we believe.

But Christmas is about mercy, too. It’s about do-overs, no matter who you are or what you’ve done, since the quintessential story of the season involves the whole world getting a second chance.

And yes, Christmas is about presents, but most of all, a Present. It’s about God so loving that he that gave his very Best. Yes, Christmas is about the unworthy receiving unlikely favors – unwarranted miracles. It’s about Ebenezer Scrooge, George Bailey, and Scarlet Ribbons.

Do you need a help? Do you need mercy? Do you need a miracle? Then Christmastime is the time for you. Talk to God now. Hold nothing back. Ask for the unaskable, even if you don’t deserve it. For at this time of year, more than at any other, we’re reminded that God is able, merciful, and generous – and looking down on us with wonder-working love.





New Things